Aircraft & Rates
Cessna 150 - Basic VFR/Single Com
Dry Rate
All Block Hours are at a dry rate. Pilots are required to purchase fuel and oil.
Block Hour Discounts
Block hours are available in 25, 50 and 100 hour increments. Any Mechanical reasons for not being able to complete your flying within the block time period, additional time will be granted to compensate for the days lost due to mechanical issues. Block time must be paid in advance by Cash or check. Weather-related reasons are determined case by case.
Pilot Requirement and Check-out
Our insurance requires a minimum of FAA Private Pilot with a 200-hour minimum and 10 hours in type. Required Checkout in our airplane at our cost for .5 hours. You are required to pay for CFI time. If additional time training is required will be at the discretion of the CFI and Pilot.
Email with your questions: flypnwav8r@gmail.com